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Kamis, 25 Desember 2014

Ideas come and go..

Well yes, ideas come and go. we should take a note about them

Hmmmm.... I read a book about Creativity... Poor me, I always forget the author and the full title haha... but it helps me a lot

So, I want to write about some idea, and these ideas always come when I was going to have a holiday or when I was finishing my holiday. Especially on a plane haha..

So, liburan tengah tahun yang lalu aku dapat ide bikin cerita tentang seorang heroin dan hero, but i already forgot about the story... I did take a note. I recorded my voice, but unfortunately I was too focus on the setting and voila the whole story is gone hahaha

So, here is the new idea. I was inspired by
Truly, Madly, Deeply - One Direction
Let Her Go - Passenger
Well, aku tahu cerita kayak gini mungkin udah biasa. Tapi aku tetap suka :") karena somehow perjuangan cewe buat ngedapetin seorang cowok tuh selalu jadi cerita favorit aku. Dan di saat si cowok mulai luluh tapi si cewek udah capek tuh juga the best saddest moment ever hehehe..

Well, probably I should put the lyrics of the songs, right?
Truly, Madly, Deeply - One Direction
Am I asleep am I awake or somewhere in between
I cant believe that you are here and lying next to me
Or did I dream that we were perfectly entwined
Like branches on a tree, or twigs caught on a vine
Like all those days and weeks and months I tried to steal a kiss
And all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I pictured this
I'm just the underdog who finally got the girl
And I am not ashamed to tell it to the world!
[Harry & Louis:]
Truly, madly, deeply I am
Foolishly, completely falling 
And somehow you kick all my walls in 
So baby say you'll always keep me 
Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you 
In love with you 

Should I put coffee and granola on a tray in bed
And wake you up with all the words that I still haven't said
And tender touches just to show you how I feel
Or should I act so cool, like it was no big deal
Wish I could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this
or put this day back on replay and keep reliving it
Cause it's the tragic truth, if you don't feel the same
My heart would fall apart if someone said your name
[Harry & Louis]
Truly, madly, deeply I am
Foolishly, completely falling
And somehow you kick all my walls in
So baby say you'll always keep me
Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you
I hope I'm not a casualty 
Hope you won't get up and leave
Might not mean that much to you 
But to me its everything... 

Truly, madly, deeply I am
Foolishly, completely fa lling
And somehow you can turn my walls in
So baby say you'll always keep me
Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love (in love)
With you (with you)
In love (in love)
With you (with you)
In love (in love)
With you (with you)

Gad, Toby / Robbins, Lindy / Dahl, Trevor
Published by
Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner/Chappell Music, Inc., Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.

Let Her Go - Passenger
Well, you only need the light when it's burning low, 
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow, 
Only know you love her when you let her go. 
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low 
Only hate the road when you're missing home 
Only know you love her when you let her go... 
And you let her go.
Staring at the bottom of your glass
Hoping one day you'll make a dream last
But dreams come slow, and they go so fast
You see her when you close your eyes
Maybe one day you'll understand why
Everything you touch surely dies
But you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
Staring at the ceiling in the dark
Same old empty feeling in your heart
'Cause love comes slow, and it goes so fast
Well you see her when you fall asleep
But never to touch and never to keep
Cause you loved her too much, and you dived too deep
Well you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
And you let her go ooooh ooooh oh no
And you let her go
ooooh ooooh oh no
Well you let her go
ooooh ooooh oh no
Cause you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
Cause you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you've been high when you're feeling low
Only hate the road when you're missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
And you let her go

Published by
Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

That's it.

Main story-nya tentang seorang cewek, yang suka banget sama seorang cowok. Cewek ini, sebut aja bukan cewek biasa ya :") tapi dia itu saking sukanya sama si cowok selalu jadi bego dan ceroboh banget kalo ada si cowok dekat dia. Dulunya dia cuma suka ngeliatin si cowok aja, tapi gegara sesuatu hal (ingat poin penting di sini Des) dia jadi berani aja, dan selalu deketin si cowok :") 
Si cowok? dia ga suka banget sama ni cewe. Annoying banget soalnya, ganggu pekerjaan dan tugas2nya dia. Ceroboh banget, tipe-tipe cewek yang ga bisa diandalkan sama sekali.

Sebenarnya si cowok nih memang ganteng banget, apa yaaa badannya luar biasa keren banget bung. Udah tinggi, berotot, (tapi otot ga lebay kayak Ashton Kutcher sih... Yaaa kira2 se Aaron Jacobs pas masih umur belasan hahaha), muka ganteng (campuran amerika tengah, mongol, dan Indonesia dh) manis bangeeetttttt >.< dan dia cerdas banget (duh berat nih bikin cerita kalo berhubungan dengan kecerdasan). Nih, yang bikin kece lagi adalah, si cowok ini orangnya sopan, menghargai orang lain, berprinsip dan..... misterius. yupp!! Karena ciri-cirinya inilah dia banyak digandrungi dan diganggu (dalam tanda kutip) cewek-cewek. Tapi sama si cewek ini tuh bedaaaaaaaa
Karena si cewek ini pada akhirnya nguntit si cowok. Dan cewek ini orangnya keras kepala dan berprinsip juga. Tapi sayangnya pada waktu itu tidak tepat pada tempatnya hahaha, dia lagi dalam keadaan kesengsem sama si cowok sih :") hehehe...
Okay. Then, this girl finally found the boy when the boy was doing his real job. The girl didn't like the job so much and forced the boy to get out of his job asap. But, that was a wrong time. Totally wrong because finally the boy failed his job and endanger his life.
The girl want to help. She did help, a lot. But in the process there was a lot happen to them. The girl changed, because finally she can get used to the presence of the boy and feel comfortable beside him. She showed her trueself. The boy showed his too :")

And then, something happen.(always) The story must go on anyway. In order to help the boy, the girl has to sacrifice something (watch out). She want to do it secretly, but then the boy found out. He angry and cast her out. And here it s..... He loves the girl already (So, there must be a lot of things happened to them) and he feel something really bad will happened to the girl because of her personalities. Well, it was the girl who endanger his life, so she should be the one to pay it off, right?

Okay, here is the key.
The girl wasn't a weak one. She was only weak to the boy.
There must be a bound between them, right? The girl was completely in love with the boy.
The story was happened in a modern city... let's say mmm... Bandung? (cos I lived there and I can't imagine a place somewhere else unless I create it, which... Idk, may be I'll create it)

Mmmm... please don't steal my ideas, I will work on it really hard. I will try to publish it, re-editing it all the time... And I still don't know if I want to make it a whole long story or just a quick story :")

Thank You

Some stories and advices


Aku baru aja punya waktu buat buka blog ini setelah satu semester. Phewwwww there was a lot of traffic in my schedule. I always got some of my schedules delayed. And most of them were my faults, indicating the bad of my time-management.
Well, tapi kehidupan kuliah tingkat 2 itu emang bener2 something banget... and so sorry because I took 22 SKS and I didn't consider the osjur. Yes, osjur really took our time and freedom.
Dan tentu saja buat seseorang yang ga bisa diam kayak aku, osjur itu ga jadi halangan buat have fun. Masih sempet-sempetnya nonton tv, baca komik, novel (terutama!!), tidur di kelas, dan masih banyak hal-hal tidak mendesak dan tidak penting yang aku lakuin. So, of course banget aku ketinggalan pelajaran, dan kalau sekalinya ketinggalan pelajaran males ngedengerin dosen (apalagi cara ngajar dosennya ga enak).. dan selalu deh, pikiran-pikiran kayak
ah, nanti aja lah dikejar di akhir, pas mau uts aja, gini doang juga....
selalu muncul. Dan, asal tau aja, yang kayak begitu tuh, yg sistem SKS ga akan berlaku di jamannya tingkat 2, terutama di tekkim sih. Ya kalo yu mau dapet indeks C or BC, ya mungkin masih ada kesempatan sih ya. Tapi buat yang targetnya minimal B sih, so sorry banget. Emang indeks belum keluar, tapi aku aja udah ga yakin masih bisa di atas 3,00.
Dan hal-hal begini lah yang bikin lu ga bisa ngomong sama ortu. Karna ortu lu percaya lu orang pinter, bisa dipercaya, dan ga mungkin dapet nilai sampe sejelek 20an kan... yaaa intinya beberapa nilai UTS w sempet bikin w down  banget sih.. (anyway, ga jadi nulis aku kamu, apapun lah.. emang ga konsisten w orangnya)
Tapi temen w malah termotivasi, w masih sempet-sempetnya down dulu, bingung mau ngapain malah melarikan diri ke hal-hal yang lain. Syukurnya hal-hal yang lain tuh..... ngegym. Hahahaha... or music. Syukur w ga lari ke hal yang aneh2 sih.. aneh2 menurut w tuh minum2 ya hahaha.

Ohya, dan kehidupan di Tekkim tuh sebenarnya bisa banget diikutin, asalkan lu fokus, ga punya 2 atau lebih jabatan tumpang tindih, ga main-main yang ga jelas alias baca-baca novel ga penting sampe ga tidur, and so on... at least yu selalu nyatat dan dengerin dosen, ngerjain pr, and it's fine. no need banget lah yang latihan soal sampe 1 prosol dibabat habis 2 minggu sebelum ujian. Yang penting yu ga skip kelas, dan pikiran lu ya di kelas.

Dan hindarin banget hal-hal beginian ya...
TV kabel, terutama chanel Fox movies premium and HBO, Novel or Manga or Anime, Youtube!!! Please banget yang ini harus ada batas waktunya banget, tidur kemalaman or bahkan ga tidur....
Ya kalo w sih itu aja hahaha... itu mendasar banget lho... tapi bisa menyita 30-50% waktu belajar kita.

Dan yang sedihnya lagi, setelah w kembali ke w yang dulu, itu tuh udah terlanjur mendekati UAS, bahkan H-sekian UAS, itu gara2 w ulang tahun deh kayaknya hehe, pengen bikin resolusi dan merubah diri menjadi yang lebih baik, kombinasi diri masa lalu, sekarang dan masa depan hehehe. Tapi ya itu dia. Sadarnya udah rada2 telat gitu. Dan di akhir semester itu, ternyata malah makin sibuk!!!
Gw pikir akhir semester malah bakal nyantai UAS doang. Tapi ternyata semua tugas kadiv dan panitia dan latihan-latihan malah numpuk di akhir. Belum lagi harus packing, beli oleh2 dan sebagainya. Dan, ada 2 orang birthday girls in December yang harus di surprise-in...
Intinya, Desember sebelum tanggal 23 itu adalah bulan super sibuk yang ai hadapi... dan ya itu... intinya so so sibuk. Dan semua nyaris terlambat.. masih ada beberapa matkul yang masih bisa w andalin, tapi w ga yakin sama hasilnya juga. Seandainya itupun jatuh, w yakin IP w bakal dibawah 3. Karena BC itu aja 2,5 guys...

Ya sudahlah itu kesalahan w di semester ini. W ngasih daftar kesibukan w aja kali ya, ini daftar kesibukan anak ITB tingkat 2 hahaha

Bendahara SKB ( Aug - Dec (masih belum selesai nih urusan lpj dll))
Kabaret SKB (Aug -Sep)
Ortu Basis (Aug - )
Kadept Keuangan KMK (Aug - Dec)
Asprak Kidas (Cuma 2x datang sih haha)
Chemistry tutor at SMAN 3 (Aug - Dec)
Chemistry tutor at Centrion Institute ( Aug - )
Kadiv Ticketing Festival ISO (Oct - Apr 2015)
Kadiv Donasi CheNight2015 (Nov - Feb 2014)

dan yang versi kurang pentingnya

Baca, nonton,
Tutor biola ( ditutorin ya,bukan yang ngasih tutor)
Ngegym (sayang banget udah bayar... mahal banget lhooo)

Yup!!! I think that's all...
Dan sedikit saran dari ai buat kita semua (ai termasuk)
Hmmm.... intinya jangan ngambil kebanyakan jabatan, nanti jadinya ga efektif. Manajemen waktu, prioritas dan kesehatan tuh harus banget di atur.. jangan lupa nelpon orang tua juga, selalu ingat orang tua, nelpon lah minimal seminggu sekali, jangan lupa berdoa, berdoa itu bukan formalitas tapi kebutuhan, selalu punya catatan kecil tentang tugas-tugas kita, makanan juga harus benar, jangan makan yang enak-enak aja tapi ga makan sayur.
 Ingat, tubuh dan pikiran yang sehat itu kunci menuju sukses :")
 anyway, thanks banget to rempong barbies yang always be there when I needed. Love you guyssss :")

*anyway, Keke doesn't happy with this photo (you can see the separated space between her and the others). But I think this one was very funny. hehehe... taken on 23rd November 2014, at Pasar Seni 2014